September 2, 2016

Hey everyone! I hope you're having a great Friday!

       I recently downloaded the "Stylebook" app in hopes that it would help me stay organized with my closet. The cool thing about the app is that it allows you to have an overview of all the items in your closet when you're away from home or shopping, and you can tell if you already have that item or not. Another cool thing about the app is that you can add the clothes to your calendar so you know what you wore last Thursday or how many times you wore that dress and if it was really worth the purchase.
        Also you can put style inspiration in the app so you can look back at outfits that inspire you. I thought this was pretty cool because I often screenshot celebrities and bloggers' outfits and then the photos just sit in my phone and I never usually look back. With the app I have a place to store all those photos and I can delete them off my camera roll.
       So I knew adding all my clothes into the app would take probably a couple hours maybe even a day to do. I decided to put on some upbeat dance music and set up the photography station, and one by one photograph each piece of clothing. Once all the photos had been taken, I started uploading them to the app into the categories they have set, such as tank tops, and shorts.
       I'm really excited about using this app because I feel like I'm constantly on the go, and constantly planning trips, or outfits for events but I don't always have time to look through my closet.  Overall the whole process took about half a day to photograph my closet I made sure to have coffee and snacks ready and I kept motivated. However, I can easily see it taking a day or so depending on how big your closet is. I will keep you updated on if I find this app useful in a week or in a month and if it was worth the $3.99 to purchase it.

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